
May 27, 2024

Threat Prevention: How to Stop Cyberthreats

Cyberthreats are growing in complexity and number. Explore different types of cyberthreats and learn about effective threat prevention strategies.

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March 27, 2024

What Is Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)?

SIEM is a cybersecurity technology that aggregates and analyzes activity across your IT infrastructure. Explore the key components of a SIEM system.

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March 26, 2024

What Is Cyberthreat Intelligence?

Cyberthreat intelligence (CTI) enables an organization to identify and mitigate its potential cybersecurity threats proactively. Learn why it’s important.

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March 22, 2024

What is Cyberthreat Hunting?

Cyberthreat hunting is the proactive pursuit of cyberthreats that lie undetected within a network. Learn why it’s crucial for your digital security strategy.

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March 05, 2024

What Is Breach Detection?

Imagine living in a world where keeping your personal and business information safe is as crucial as locking your doors at night. This is the reality of our modern, connected lives. Breach detection plays a hero’s role in this scenario, acting as a vigilant guard against unseen cyberthreats. It’s like having a digital watchdog that […]

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Business Email Compromise - FBI Remediation Guidance
September 16, 2020

Business Email Compromise – FBI Remediation Guidance

On April 6, 2020, the FBI issued Alert # I-040620-PSA, announcing that cyber criminals conduct business email compromises through exploitation of cloud-based email systems, costing US businesses more than $2 billion.

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Cyber Cases from the SOC - Fileless Malware Kovter
September 11, 2020

Cyber Cases from the SOC – Fileless Malware Kovter

Cyber Cases from the SOC is an executive blog series describing real security incident investigations conducted and reported by the RocketCyber SOC analyst team for MSP customers managing SMB networks.

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What is a SOC & 5 Benefits why you need one
September 09, 2020

What is a SOC & 5 Benefits why you need one

A Security Operation Center (SOC) as a command center made up of skilled security personnel, processes and technologies to continuously monitor for malicious activity while preventing, detecting and responding to cyber incidents.

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Cyber Cases from the SOC - Squiblydoo Attack
June 27, 2020

Cyber Cases from the SOC – Squiblydoo Attack

Cyber Cases from the SOC is an executive blog series describing real security incident investigations conducted and reported by the RocketCyber SOC analyst team for MSP customers managing SMB networks.

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Windows Event Log Triaging
June 14, 2020

Windows Event Log Triaging

Security & SOC analysts are frequently tasked with the triaging of event log data. This article serves as a reference point for those in need of investigating failed logon attempts, a.k.a. Windows Event Log ID 4625. Given the numerous opportunities for logging on to computers these days, determining the cause can be challenging to both IT generalists and security teams.

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